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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help

How long does it take to complete an order?

Orders take 1 to 3 days to process, depending when the item is purchased. 

What is the Distributer Wholesale Program? 

 Our Wholesale program allows registered partners to get B2B or wholesale prices specifically tailored for them.

What is the Retail Wholesale Program? 

This program allows other businesses to sell our retail products in stores! Once you purchase our Retail Starter Kit you will simultaneously be opening a retail account with us. Giving you access to a future 40% discount code for future replacement orders.

How do I find the manuals?

Henna Manual:

Lash Lift & Tint Manual:

Lamination Manual:

What are the Payment Options?

We have Afterpay available across our entire website for both retail and professional products!

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30 Min Lash Lift and Tint Starter Kit - Shop Bee Pampered
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Ultimate Starter Kit - Shop Bee Pampered